Institute of Forensic Science & Legal Medicine

The Science in Fighting Crime
In September 2014, Cabinet approved the merger of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and the Legal Medicine Unit (LMU) to form the Institute for Forensic Science and Legal Medicine (IFSLM). The FSL had responsibility for conducting forensic examinations and analyses on all physical evidence submitted by the police and other agencies while the LMU functioned as the Department of Pathology. The Institute operates as an independent investigative institute under the Ministry of National Security. The Institute is headed by Dr. Judith Mowatt.

Quality Policy Statement
The Institute of Forensic Science & Legal Medicine (IFSLM) is committed to providing the highest quality service to the general public, law enforcement agencies, and other members of the criminal justice community. To meet this goal, IFSLM has established a quality system to ensure that it provides accurate, impartial, and relevant reports to law enforcement and the Courts.
All staff members will abide by the policies and procedures of the quality system as detailed in the manuals that are applicable to their job function.